The Power of Your Words Part 1: South Africa

Words… can you remember the first time someone whispered the words “I love you”. Or the first time someone had a crush on you and expressed it? How about the first time someone announced the winner of a prize or competition and it was your name? Or the first time someone said: “we are not friends anymore”, “I hate you”, “I am no longer in love with you”, “you are a disappointment”, “This is wrong”, “You should try a little harder” or fill in the blank “You are not __________”.


While you are still imagining … can you remember the worst teacher you ever had? The teacher who always saw the worst in you and expressed it.  Embarrassed you in front of the class. Or said you are absolutely dismal in their subject and you wouldn’t amount to anything.


Now, juxtapose that with the best teacher you ever had. The one that encouraged you, nurtured you, made you feel special and talented and unique. The major difference between the two teachers – is the words they used. Is it not?



Words can either edify and build people up. Or it can tear people down. It can either boost someone and encourage them to grow. Or it can cause people to question themselves. Words can be used to tell the truth and can be a tool to correct. Or words can be used to lie, gossip and harm. Words can build a nation. Words can break a nation. Words can build a family. Words can break a family. Words can build a space like a workplace, and words can destroy a space or workplace. Words can build you up. Words can strip you to nothingness.


There is absolute power in words. And because of the magnitude of this topic. The blog is split into two parts:


1) The Power of Your Words Part 1: South Africa; and


2) The Power of Your Words Part 2: Work, Family and You (to be published on the 23rd of May 2018).


Let’s jump straight into Part 1…



Your Beautiful Nation


Beautiful South Africa



South Africa is a unique nation – it is colourful, complex, and there are many things wrong with it like inequality, suffering of people living below the breadline, gangsterism terrorising communities, crime, not enough housing and an excruciatingly painful past; but many things about RSA is just beautiful, special and plain old “lekker”:


#1) The incredible sense of humour South Africans have; whether it is about Junk Status or the G/Zuptagate Scandal or polony – South Africans find the lighter side in every situation:

Credit: Thapelo Chuene Photography

#2) South Africa has matchless views and destinations from the fynbos plains in Karoo, to the beautiful oceans, from the Garden Route, to God’s Window, from Table Mountain to the Jacaranda-lined streets of Pretoria.


And the 3) Diversity of cultures, 4) Colourful people and 5) Ability to unite and sing the world’s (voted) number one National Anthem like nothing else matters. Perhaps the reason the National Anthem is so celebrated is because it evokes a feeling that only true South Africans at heart have experienced – that goosebumpy, hair-raising, swallow the lump in your throat, wipe back the tears, proud for days feeling.


These five reasons are only the tip of the ice-berg but let’s get to the point…



Your “Sh#thole” Nation



South Africa may be labelled as a “sh#thole country” by some foreign president that doesn’t know any better; but it’s time that citizens stop using words like this, to describe South Africa.


Some may hide behind saying “they are just being realistic” and “looking at the facts and figures” and that is why it is a “sh#thole nation”. But, people should not underestimate the power of words. If you look at Hitler and the Nazi regime – it all started with words, speeches and labelling. It proved that no matter the “status” of a country, words and rhetoric have a powerful influence.



And as a side note to the people that hide behind the “facts of the country”, “the news”, “the rand value” etc. – your family, loved ones, colleagues and acquaintances are GATVOL of your opinion and you slating South Africa; you spread bitterness, doom-and-gloom and you being a realist (ha more like pessimist) is as helpful as eating contaminated “worsies”.

Sooo… Wat Nou?



So how about people of South Africa, you, me, us, we – all stop using phrases like: “the country is going to the dogs”, “this violent country”, “this sh#thole country”, “this junk nation”, “the place where nothing works”, “lol we are useless”, “a corrupt nation”, “this place is just like Zim”, “the corrupt government” and the most damaging word “It’s THEM…it’s THEIR FAULT”.


With surly sneers and negative rants like these – you, me, us, we are part of the problem not the solution. If someone has cancer, or is suffering from an eating disorder – do you keep reinforcing and reiterating it, by pointing it out over and over? No – it’s not helpful. And neither is having a checklist of everything that is wrong with South Africa and whipping it out at the water cooler, braai, high-tea, Woolies or Spatlo/Kota Shop.


Yes, issues need to be addressed. But throwing around idle words, depressing everyone around you and speaking negative words over the country is about as helpful as eating candy floss while on a no-sugar diet.





So Here Comes the Challenge!



So here comes the challenge for you, me, us, we – how about for the next month (to forever) we declare stuff like:


  • Our city, our nation, our provinces are blessed

  • Our government, leaders and authority figures are blessed

  • Our community, neighbourhood and suburb are blessed

  • This country has a good future and good plans

  • This nation will prosper; its people will prosper

  • South Africa is set apart, a masterpiece and has a secure future

  • South African resources are blessed

  • The Rand is blessed

  • There is peace in this nation and love

And start being part of the solution and not adding to the problems. South Africa is a great nation – it is your, my, our duty to build it up – not break it down.


Catch The Power of Your Words Part 2: Work, Family and You on the 23rd of May 2018.


Please let me know if this blog inspired or incited anything in you in any way. Remember share to support a South African blogger. And give Sparkle Ellie’s Facebook  page a thumbs-up for more light reading. 😊


View the latest Sparkle Ellie Blogs Here.


PS. Did you know what the South African Anthem  means in English?


6 thoughts on “The Power of Your Words Part 1: South Africa

  1. All good and well. If SA government does not change its stance with Israel then I see no hope for SA. The fact is like with gravity what goes up must come down. So is the bible truth that whosoever curses Israel their land will be cursed. So if ANC gov. Downgraded the SA embassy in Israel and stand with the radical Islamic Hamas and Palestine which is anti semetic then I’m not surprised at all these murders rapes and killings that is occurring I our once peaceful and free land. They literally gave the land over to Satan to cause destruction and chaos. Yes 50%of SA love Israel and we are praying that God will expose the evil and bring forth a just and true government but is that enough. We cannot allow government to make decisions like this if they don’t even consider the devastating curse they bring on our land.

    1. Hi Ann
      Some food for thought and some serious matters are raised. Unfortunately, we cannot make decisions unbehalf of government but believers can intercede and pray for government. Whatever belief system, South Africans have a duty to remain positive and be the change we/they want to see and not condemn or judge. From biblical standpoint God judged the Israelites severely (to the point of death) for mumbling and grumbling in the wilderness which indicates how God feels about it. And the second greatest commandment is to love from a biblical standpoint (but this also spills over in the worldy view too) and Corinthians is a good place to look at what love is. By blessing South Africa and our leaders in love, truth will prevail in their hearts and whatever the truth is will set South Africa free.
      Thank you for comment.

      Warm regards
      Sparkle Ellie

  2. South Africa doesn’t need prayers. It needs action. It is indeed a beautiful place with many unique and special features and people. BUT…..sadly there are too many have nots and a new greedy elite who all have their snouts in the troughs. We don’t have a large middle class and the poor are becoming more disenchanted and violent. They cannot be reasoned with. Most South Africans are content to bury their heads in the sand and pretend things will get better. They will get a lot worse first. Show me a success story in Africa? Few and far between. Sad but true. Time to be realistic. With all the will in the world those that care are outnumbered.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate the feedback and the time you took to express your views.

      Everyone has different beliefs and opinions and a starting point is respect for each other. Greed is an unfortunate reality and something not unique to South Africa and Africa. I have to disagree with you – there are many success stories in Africa and South Africa – you just have to look further than the media. For example, Quali-Health was started in Diepsloot and is now recognised in an international sphere. Elon Musk, Lebo Gunguluza, Fats Lazarides, Irfan Pardesi and Hina Kassam, and Anat Apter are just a few names that come to mind.

      Some food for thought – when has being realistic been helpful, when it has no solution paired with it? And my final thought – as South Africans and humans we must be careful to use words such as “them” and “they” and grouping millions or thousands of people together. Each person is unique, individual and has their own beliefs. Yes, there are groups that share beliefs and yes, sometimes it is scary when the media highlights the more radical groups’ beliefs – but do not underestimate the power and influence individuals can have in changing a nation.

      In closing, I would like to quote a truly great South African who showed that change is possible no matter what the circumstances: ‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’ Nelson Mandela

      Take care and warm regards,
      Sparkle Ellie

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